Сделайте в косвенную речь ! 1. will you call me tomorrow? she said to me 2. we are going away on holiday next week, sue said 3. i haven’t heard from michael for quite some time, paul said 4. we won the final match, charlie said 5. is my brother in hospital? lucy asked ) ❤️

virusvirus93 virusvirus93    3   21.03.2019 22:40    1

mchizhevskayap010bm mchizhevskayap010bm  26.05.2020 14:48

1. She asked me if I would call her the following day.

2. Sue said they were going away on holiday the next week.

3. Paul said he hadn’t heard from Michael for quite some time.

4. Charlie said they had won the final match.

5. Lucy asked me if her brother was in hospital.

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