Сделайте тест с множественным выбором. Буду очень благодарен. 1. I hope you … to my party this weekend.
A. are coming B. will come C. are going to come D. will be coming
2. By the time you … this letter I … my final exams.
A. will receive; will finish B. will receive; will have finished C. receive; will have finished D. receive; finish
3. Look at the baby! She … drop off the spoon.
A. is going to B. will C. shall D. are going to
4. They … lunch with Sam at this time tomorrow.
A. will have B. are going to C. will have had D. will be having
5. I am not sure when I … on holiday this year.
A. will go B. go C. am going D. will be going
6. Please, phone me when you … home.
A. get B. will get C. are getting D. will have got
7. If we … enough money we … a new computer.
A. will have; will buy B. have; will buy C. have; buy D. have; are going to buy
8. I doubt if they … on time.
A. are B. are going to be C. shall be D. will be
9. Mr Simon … here for 30 years by the time he retires next month.
A. will be working B. is working C. will work D. will have been working
10. I really need this cap. – OK. I … it for you.
A. will buy B. am buying C. am going to buy D. buy
11. We’ve run out of milk. – … I go to the shop?
A. Will B. Shall C. Do D. Am
12. We expect the weather … better tomorrow.
A. is B. is going to be C. will be D. shall be
13. Henry … the garage by Friday.
A. won’t build B. won’t have been building C. won’t be building D. won’t have built
14. Anna, … you … making so much noise?
A. Will stop B. Will be stopping C. Will have stopped D. Will have been stopping
15. The London train … at 7.15.
A. will arrive B. is arriving C. arrives D. is going to arrive

Maks2405 Maks2405    3   10.06.2020 21:30    2

feyaandkisa feyaandkisa  15.10.2020 13:42

1. b

2. b

3. a

4. d

5. a

6. a

7. b

8. d

9. d

10. a

11. a

12. b

13. d

14. b

15. c


Krupenyapolina Krupenyapolina  15.10.2020 13:42

Сделайте тест с множественным выбором. Буду очень благодарен.

1. I hope you … to my party this weekend. B. will come

2. By the time you … this letter I … my final exams. C. receive; will have finished

3. Look at the baby! She … drop off the spoon. A. is going to

4. They … lunch with Sam at this time tomorrow. D. will be having

5. I am not sure when I … on holiday this year. A. will go

6. Please, phone me when you … home. A. get

7. If we … enough money we … a new computer. B. have; will buy

8. I doubt if they … on time. D. will be

9. Mr Simon … here for 30 years by the time he retires next month. D. will have been working

10. I really need this cap. – OK. I … it for you. A. will buy

11. We’ve run out of milk. – … I go to the shop? B. Shall

12. We expect the weather … better tomorrow. C. will be

13. Henry … the garage by Friday. D. won’t have built

14. Anna, … you … making so much noise? A. Will you stop

15. The London train … at 7.15. C. arrives

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