Сделайте Тест Английский язык 5 класс «Конкурс Я Лингвист»

1. Укажите неверный вариант
А. the Baltic sea;
Б. the England;
В. the Alps;
Г. the Thames.
2. Укажите лишнее
А. return ticket;
Б. sore throat;
В. boarding pass;
Г. international flights.
3. Укажите верный вариант
А. begin – begun - began;
Б. drive – drove - driven;
В. eat – eated - eaten;
Г. know - knew - knewn.
4. В последнее время он посмотрел много фильмов.
А. He sees many films lately.
Б. He saw many films lately.
В. He has seen many films lately.
Г. He was seen many films lately.
5. Where you and Jane yesterday evening?
А. be;
Б. was;
В. have been;
Г. were.
6. Укажите верный перевод «Давайте помиримся!»
А. Let us make it up!
Б. Let us make it of!
В. Let us make it out!
Г. Let us make it away!
7. Укажите лишнее
А. just
Б. already
В. yet
Г. often
8. Укажите верный вариант. Are you home?
А. at
Б. in
В. on
Г. to
9. Укажите верный вариант
А. Visit you last Sunday your parents?
Б. Have you visit your parents last Sunday?
В. Visited you your parents last Sunday?
Г. Did you visit your parents last Sunday?
10. Укажите верный ответ. How many foreign languages are you studying?
А. You have a choice of foreign languages: French, Spanish, Arabic and Chinese.
Б. Two modern languages and Latin.
В. And Arabic, as you say, is very popular nowadays.
Г. Latin is compulsory.
11. Укажите антоним к слову «agree»
А. awake;
Б. amuse;
В. ascend;
Г. argue.
12. Укажите верный перевод «восемнадцатый»
А. eightienth;
Б. eightyngth;
В. eighteenth;
Г. eighteeth.
13. Укажите верный перевод «сначала»
А. in first;
Б. on first;
В. at first;
Г. by first.
14. Укажите верный вариант. Bob is going to the lake.
А. She is going to go to Spain.
Б. He is going to sleep.
В. She is going to go camping.
Г. He is going to go fishing.
15. Укажите лишнее
А. look;
Б. moon;
В. food;
Г. tooth.

klassklassov klassklassov    1   02.03.2020 16:43    75

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