Сделайте следующие предложения отрицательными. 1) there is some milk on the floor. 2) there is some water in the refrigerator. 3) someone is at the door. 4) everyonr is tired after the trip.

sweater22weather sweater22weather    1   01.07.2019 05:50    30

aruka00000 aruka00000  24.07.2020 16:24
There is not any milk on the floor.
there is not any water in the refrigerator.
nobody/noone is at the door.
noone/nobody is tired after the trip.
TanyaVasutina TanyaVasutina  24.07.2020 16:24
1) There isn`t any milk on the floor.
2) There isn`t any water in the refrigerator.
3) Anybody isn`t at the door.
4) Everyone isn`t tired after the trip.
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