Сделайте предложения отрицательными и вопросительными: 1) 1 have already seen her and spoken to her
2)We have been discussing this problem since morning
3) I am present at the lectures at the Academy.

Aliona200 Aliona200    1   04.01.2022 23:39    0

revkova5a revkova5a  04.01.2022 23:40
1.I haven’t already seen her and spoken to her.
Have I already seen her and spoken to her?
2.We haven’t been discussing this problem since Morning
Have we been discussing this problem since morning?
3.I am not present at the lectures at the Academy
Am I present at the lectures at the Academy?
Сталкер027 Сталкер027  04.01.2022 23:40

1) I have already seen her and spoken to her.

I haven't seen her and spoken to her yet.

Have I seen her and spoken to her yet?

2) We have been discussing this problem since morning.

We haven't been discussing this problem since morning.

Have we been discussing this problem since morning?

3) I am present at the lectures at the Academy.

I am not present at the lectures at the Academy.

Am I present at the lectures at the Academy?

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