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A Tradition of Buffoonery
Clowns are mostly found today in the circus, but the professional
buffoon has a long tradition behind him. He was seen on the stages of
ancient Greece and Rome, and as the Old Vice ( attendant on the Devil)
in medieval religious drama.
From Italian Renaissance comedy – the ‘commedia dell’arte’ –
came Punch and Pierrot and the comic character of 19th century
English pantomime. A character called Clown in pantomime was mainly
the creation of the London actor Joseph Grimaldi (1779-1837), who
played in pantomime from the age of four. Joseph Grimaldi was the
first modern clown. He was the son of a Genoese harlequin who played
in Italian commedia del’arte.
In Grimaldi’s honour the present day circus clown, who has inherited
many of his characteristics, is known as Joey. He has as his butt
the Auguste according to some an 1870’s invention of the French
circus, but attributed by some others to Tom Belling in a Berlin circus in
The Auguste is a shambling figure with a bulbous red nose and a fright
wig, who interrupts and ruins all Clown’s tricks and trips over anything
in his way.
№2. Выпишите из текста информацию на английском языке о:
1.The professional buffoons in ancient Greece and Rome
2 English pantomime and Joseph Grimaldi
3. Augustes
№3. Выпиши английские слова, которые переводятся на русский
язык словом «клоун»: