Сделайте диалог на .яз в котором общаются два мальчика в лагере (не меньше 6 фраз у каждого).заранее

olegneoleg olegneoleg    3   05.09.2019 14:40    2

artem877 artem877  06.10.2020 19:29
- Hey, it's late, are you asleep yet?
- Hey, and no, I can't sleep tonight.
- Why? Is it because the runners' competition tomorrow?
- You got it. I am the fastest runner in the school, so I'm too excited about it.
- Don't worry, you will win the competition!
- Thanks a lot. What about you? Why aren't you asleep yet?
- I was thinking about the school... July has passed so fast and I'm terrified about it!
- Yeah, I was thinking the same thing... Well, it's too late now, so I've got to go sleep well. Good night.
- Good night.
nekrasska nekrasska  06.10.2020 19:29
A: Hello, my name's Harry. What's your name?
B: I'm George. Nice to meet you.
A: Nice to meet you too, George. Are you new here?
B: Yes. We've just moved in the next corpus.
A: Really? Welcome to the our camp, then.
B: Thanks.
A: So, we're you from?
B: I from London. Do you like this camp?
A: Yes, of course. We have acting, dance, painting and music classes, and everyone can choose what he likes. We're having fan. How old are you?
B: I'm 14. And you?
A: We're the same age, so maybe we will be in the same group.
B: Yes, I hope so.
A: Ok. Catch you later.
B: Bya
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