1-Match to form names of sports- образуй названия видов спорта -цифру ставьте перед буквой -

1.scuba a skiing

2. wind b climbing

3. mountain c rafting

4. jet d diving

5. white water e surfing

2- Exercise 3. Choose the correct item.

1.You can/can’t swim here. The beach is closed.

2.You can/can’t wear new shorts. It’s hot outside.

3. You can/can’t smoke in the museum.

4. You can/can’t listen to the music. My sister is sleeping.

5. You can/can’t go to school. You have temperature.

. 3- Используйте слова в скобках для образования предложений в Future Simple. Обратите внимание, в какой форме должно стоять предложение (-утвердительной, во или отрицательной-). Напишите глагол во Future Simple в пропуск

1) They football at the school. (to play) 2) She emails. (not / to write) 3) you English? (to speak) 4) His brother in an office. (to work) 5) Elizabeth coffee? (to drink)

4- Exercise 6. Choose the correct response. Подбери к во ответ -(-перед буквой поставь цифру-)- Один ответ лишний.

1. Would you like to come hiking?

2. Why don’t you go swimming?

3. Do you want to come fishing?

a) I’d rather not. The water’s cold.

b) Of course! I’ll catch all the fish!

c) OK! It’s windy enough today!

d) Oh yes! I love long walks

5- Read the e-mail and answer the questions.- прочитай письмо и ответь на во

nasta086 nasta086    1   20.05.2020 15:02    0

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