сделать задание a ‘The phone’s ringing.’ – ‘I’ll it .’

b Sorry, I’ve got to go now. I’ll you later.

c ‘Could I speak to Mr Barring, please?’ – ‘I’ll you .’

d I tried to call you several times last night, but I couldn’t . There must have been something wrong with the lines.

e I was going to explain the details when suddenly we were .

f Could you for a moment. I’ll check the figures for you.

g Why don’t you his number in the directory?

h I was waiting for a couple of minutes but there was no answer, so I .

i Could you Harry ? I’d like to talk to him as well.

j Sorry, I can’t hear you very well. Could you ?

call back/ ring back – перезвонить

cut off – отключать

get through – соединять (по телефону)

speak up – говорить громко и отчётливо

hang up – повесить телефонную трубку

hold on – ждать у телефона

look up – искать (что-л. в справочнике)

pick up – поднимать, брать, взять

put on – приводить в действие

put through – соединять (по телефону)

Цоніма Цоніма    3   09.06.2021 13:14    15

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