Сделать текст понятным, заменить сложные слова на более простые The platypus is one of the strangest, most amazing animals living on planet Earth. Platypuses live in one small corner of the world: they live in freshwater rivers flowing along the island of Tasmania and the east and southeast coasts of Australia. The eyes of the platypus are black, it's elongated body is covered with hard, thick and thick hair and soft skin of brown shades. The platypus is a skilled swimmer and an excellent builder. He makes his house, or rather a hole, conscientiously. The materials are transported with their tail pressed against their belly. What does the platypus eat? It feeds on aquatic small animals, especially invertebrates, such as worms, molluscs, insects and their larvae. Since platypuses only have horn plates and no teeth, they use gravel from the bottom to grind meat into pieces, and they swim to find food at the bottom of rivers and other similar bodies of water using their sensitive beaks. To hunt, the platypus uses its beak or claws to dig at the bottom or simply to catch prey. As soon as the platypus gets food, it carries it in its cheek pouches to the shore, where it can safely eat. The platypus spends about 14 hours a day in a dream. The main reason for this behavior is a low metabolic rate and a high-calorie diet. Duckbills seem very cute and even a little toy animals, but this impression is deceiving - they produce a poison that contains more than 80 different toxins.

There are special spurs on the hind legs of the platypus. From the moment of hatching from an egg, both males and females have them, but as they grow older, the spurs disappear in the females, and remain in the males. The power of his poison is such that he is able to kill a dog, and cause a long, up to several months, excruciating pain to a person. However, these spurs are used more often during mating matches of males. For example, a platypus has mammary glands, but no nipples. Therefore, newborn platypuses simply lick milk from the mother's abdomen, where it flows through the enlarged skin pores. In addition, the platypus has a very low metabolism, its normal body temperature is only 32 degrees. Today, platypuses live in small rivers and ponds in Eastern Australia and Tasmania. Until the beginning of the 20th century, they were hunted for fur, but then a system of reserves was created to protect them, and now platypuses feel relatively well.

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