Сделать первое пишу на как его выполнить потом пишу само для выполнения* не игнорьте write consequences for these situations. 1. if i get rich one 2. if i pass my 3.if it rains 4. if my friend calls me 5. if we don"t get any 6. if russia wins the world

ангелина67890 ангелина67890    3   25.08.2019 03:30    0

kamila0774 kamila0774  05.10.2020 17:57
1.If i get rich one day,I would have bought everything I need.
2.If i pass my exams,I'm insanely happy
3.If it rains later,and the street was fresh
4.If my friend calls me tonight,I told him to tell his story
5.If we dont get any homework,it is possible to have a rest
6.If Russia wins the World Cup ,I will be happy
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