Сделать негативные предложения позитивными, а позитивные негативными:
1. my sister doesn't eat meat because she doesn't like it.
2. my brother likes rock music.
3. at weekends they invite a lot of friends to their house.
4. my sistee is at home. she is not a work.
5. this artist doesn't paint portraits.

marmeladkina marmeladkina    1   29.10.2019 21:25    5

наталя40 наталя40  10.10.2020 10:14
1My sister eats meat because she like it.
2My brother doesn’t like rock music.
3At weekends they don’t invite a lot of friends to their house.
4My sister isn’t at home. She is work
5This artist is paint portraits.
Дашка12156 Дашка12156  10.10.2020 10:14

1. My sister eats meat because she likes it.

2. My brother doesn't like rock music.

3. At weekends they don't invite a lot of friends to their house.

4. My sistee isn't at home. She is a work.

5. This artist paints portraits.


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