Сделать наречия в сравнительную и превосходную степени deeply, slowly, often,rurely, gladly, very, readily, carefully, fast, foolishly, loudly, hurriedly

choserge choserge    2   16.09.2019 21:30    1

LizaDemidova3101 LizaDemidova3101  07.10.2020 20:34
Deeply -deeper-the deepest, slowly-slower-the slowest, often - more often -the most often,rurely (наверное rudely?) - more rude - the most rude, gladly - more glad- the most glad , very - more - most, readily (нет такого) , carefully - more careful- the most careful , fast - faster- the fastest, foolishly - more foolish- the most foolish, loudly - louder- loudest, hurriedly - more hurried- the most hurried
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