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The Statue of Liberty greets people who come to New York by sea. It has became the symbol of the city (if not the whole country) and an expression of freedom to people all over the world since 19 century. The statue shows liberty as a proud woman draped in the graceful folds of a loose robe. In her uplifted right hand, she holds a glowing torch. She wears a crown with seven spikes that stands for the light of liberty shining on the seven seas and seven continents. In her left arm she holds a tablet with the date of Declaration of Independence. A chain that represents tyranny lies broken at her feet.
The Statue of Liberty is France’s gift to America. It was designed by the French sculptor Bartholdi and was presented to the USA in 1886. The Lady in the Harbour stands 151 feet tall, weighs nearly 225 tons and has a 35-foot waist. In 1986 she was undergone a face-lift in honour of her 100th birthday.
365 steps lead from the entrance to the observation area in the seven-pointed crown (visitors aren’t allowed to climb to the torch). The views are breathtaking.

1. Укажите время, в котором употреблены подчеркнутые глаголы.

2. С текста переведите слова:
Выражение свободы людей во всем мире
Она держит горящий факел
Свет независимости, который освещает семь морей и семь океанов
Цепь, которая представляет тиранию, лежит сломанной у ее ног
Она была подарена США
Посетителям не позволяют взбираться на факел

3. Укажите правильные ли это предложения или нет (true – false).
a) The Statue is a symbol of New York and the USA.
b) On the tablet, the date of Declaration of Independence can be seen.
c) France made the Statue as a gift in eighteen eighteen.
d) The Statue weighs two hundred and twenty five tons.
e) The Lady in the Harbour is the United States of America.
f) The way from the entrance to the observation area includes three hundred and seventy five steps.

yanaberseneva yanaberseneva    2   27.04.2020 10:33    23

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