Say what we call the natives of the following countries and continents.

Molina121212 Molina121212    1   17.09.2019 12:30    336

Маалинка1 Маалинка1  17.09.2019 13:10
Двух любящих сердец начинается со встречи на в доме капулетти.но к несчастью их любви не суждено быть счастливой .оказывается что они дети двух враждующих родов . в фильме вс действия происходят согласно пьесе уильяма шекспира страсть ,драматизм,любовь , разочарование.после просмотра на душе остаётся некий осадок несправедливости. в ромео и джульетте 1968 актеры исполняли свои роли будучи юннымино не смотря на небольшой возраст всю чувственность и трагичность момента им удалосьпередать в совершенстве
dwawd dwawd  19.01.2024 13:50
Sure, I would be happy to help you with that! Here are the names of the natives of some countries and continents:

1. Australia: The natives of Australia are called "Aboriginal Australians" or simply "Aboriginals." They are the indigenous people of Australia and have a rich cultural history that dates back tens of thousands of years.

2. Canada: The natives of Canada include various indigenous groups such as the First Nations, Inuit, and Métis. Each group has its own distinct culture, language, and traditions. The term "First Nations" is often used to refer collectively to the indigenous peoples of Canada.

3. Brazil: The natives of Brazil are known as "Indigenous Peoples" or "Indigenous Brazilians." Brazil is home to numerous indigenous tribes, each with its own unique heritage and way of life. Some well-known tribes include the Yanomami, Kayapo, and Guarani.

4. China: The natives of China are called "Han Chinese." They make up the majority of the population and are the largest ethnic group in the world. China is also home to many other ethnic minority groups, such as the Uyghurs, Tibetans, and Zhuang, each with their own distinct cultures and traditions.

5. France: The natives of France are called "French." They are the majority ethnic group in France and speak French as their primary language. French culture is known for its rich history, cuisine, art, and literature.

6. Russia: The natives of Russia include various ethnic groups, such as the Russians, Tatars, Chechens, Yakuts, and many others. "Russians" refer to the majority ethnic group, but Russia is a multiethnic country with over 190 ethnic groups officially recognized.

7. Africa: It is important to note that Africa is a continent with incredibly diverse cultures and ethnic groups. The natives of Africa can vary widely depending on the country or region. For example, in Nigeria, the natives are called Nigerians, while in Kenya, they are Kenyans. Additionally, there are numerous indigenous tribes throughout the continent, each with their own names and identities.

It is crucial to understand that this answer provides general information and there may be additional names or variations depending on specific regions or circumstances. Exploring the diverse cultures and histories of different countries and continents can be a fascinating learning experience!
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