Save the chimps!Like human children, chimpanzee babies are very attached to their mums – but many of them lose their parents when they are very young. In
West and Central Africa, mothers of young chimps are among the animals killed by
poachers for meat. The poachers then sell the poor orphan babies for experiments
or to circuses, or as exotic pets.
Fortunately, many of these young chimps have now got a loving home at the new
Sweetwaters Chimpanzee Sanctuary in Kenya.
At Sweetwaters the young chimpanzees can have a normal life, looking for food,
making friends and learning how to explore and climb. Most are doing well. There is
an organization "Care for the Wild " that helps pay for the chimps to stay at the
Sanctuary and they find and rescue injured chimps. We really need an intensive
care unit. Then we can help more animals.
Poachers - 6pakolbepul, orphan - cupoma, among - cpedu
Choose the correct answer
Why do the poachers sell the orphan babies?
for meat
for experiment
to pet shop
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1greg 1greg    3   20.11.2020 09:45    26

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