Сангийяским: ) вставьте притяжательное местоимение.it’s book.they are her flowers. the flowers are is my diary. the diary is is (my/mine) dog.(our/ours) dream was to travel in spain.she has no answer to (her/hers) question.образуйте слово.m e a d r , b o j, a l a c e p, a w y a i l r, d e r g u n d o r u n, o n m u m e t n, o r t u,e s a u r t n t a r, l l r y a e g, m o s u a f, e s r o f t.напиши порядковые числительные словами и наоборот.second 8. 15-йsixth 9. 18-йninth 10. 17-йseventh 11. 5-йfirst 12. 13-йtwentieth 13. 14-йtwelfth 14 . 4-й заполните пропуски.clearly- …- ……-…-bestfast-…-…difficult-…-……-worse-…old-…-…easy-…-… .translate the sentences into russian.the brown table is as big as the yellow table.there are a lot of monuments to russian writers in moscow.the boy is taller than the girl.cars are slower than planes.can you help me? walk to the post-office and turn left.i haven’t got a piano.i have no friends.i have much money.there is a lot of coffee in the cup.

Angel574367 Angel574367    1   06.06.2019 15:10    8

HeeeeelpPlz HeeeeelpPlz  06.07.2020 18:29
It's my/your/his/her/our/their book. 
They are her flowers. The flowers are hers.
It is my diary. The diary is mine.
This is my dog.
Our dream was to travel in Spain.
She has no answer to her question.

Dream, job, palace, railway, underground, monument, tour, restaurant, gallery, famous, forest

15-й - fifteenth 
sixth - шестой 
18-й - eighteenth 
ninth - девятый
17-й - seventeenth 
seventh - седьмой 
5-й - fifth 
first - первый 
13-й - thirteenth 
twentieth - двадцатый
14-й - fourteenth 
twelfth - двенадцатый
4-й - fourth

clearly - more clearly - the most clearly 
good - better - the best
fast - faster - the fastest
difficult - more difficult - the most difficult
bad - worse - the worst 
old - older/elder - the oldest/the eldest 
easy - easier - the easiest

Коричневый стол так же велик, как и желтый. 
В Москве много памятников русским писателям.
Мальчик выше девочки.
Машины медленнее самолетов.
Не мог бы ты мне
Дойдите до почты и поверните налево.
У меня нет фортепиано. 
У меня нет друзей.
У меня много денег.
В чашке много кофе.
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