Сандра встает рано утром она готовит завтрак для своего мужа и детей. затем она отправляет детей в школу. дети обычно не хотят ставать и сандра кричит на них. дети ходят в школу со своим отцом который работает учителем. он никогда не опаздавает на работу поэтому когда дети не торопятся он сердится. у детей обычно 5 уроков каждый день. в конце каждого урока они получают от своей учительницы. иногда детям ничего не и они рады и счастливы. когда дети заканчивают делать уроки сандра рахрешает им поиграть с друзьями. все ложатся спать в 10 часов. потому что устали в течении дня. перевести на (present simple)

Лилиябелая Лилиябелая    1   05.10.2019 01:40    1

Oliichka Oliichka  09.10.2020 20:51

Sandra gets up early in the morning she prepares Breakfast for her husband and children. Then she sends the children to school. Children usually don't want to bet and Sandra yells at them. Children go to school with their father who works as a teacher. He's never late for work so when the kids aren't in a hurry he gets angry. Children usually have 5 lessons every day. At the end of each lesson they receive homework from their teacher. Sometimes children are not asked anything and they are happy. When the children finish their lessons, Sandra lets them play with friends. Everyone goes to bed at 10 o'clock. Because we were tired during the day.

Dzdze Dzdze  09.10.2020 20:51

Sandra gets up early in the morning. She makes breakfast for her husband and children. She then sends the children to school. Children usually do not want to stand and Sandra shouts at them. Children go to school with their father who works as a teacher. He is never late for work, so when children are not in a hurry, he gets angry. Children usually have 5 lessons every day. At the end of each lesson, they receive homework from their teacher. Sometimes children are not asked anything and they are happy and happy. When the children finish their lessons, Sandra Rahresh will play them with his friends. All go to bed at 10 o'clock. Because tired during the day.

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