с . завтра контрольная надо.. complete the sentences. use the past simple, past continuous or past perfect form of the verbs in brackets. 1 what subjects he (study) at college last year? 2 nicole was delighted when she found out that she (pass) the exam. 3 last saturday was terrible. it (rain) on friday night and everything was wet and muddy. 4 what you (listen) to when i rang you this morning? 5 i saw william’s sister last year but i didn’t recognise her. she (change) a lot. 6 a lot of things (happen) in july, but august was quite boring. 7 david turned on the tv and (sit) down to watch the news. 8 it was only six o’clock in the morning, but the sun (shine) and i jumped out of bed. 9 while they were lying on the beach, the sun (go) behind some clouds. 10 she was tired because she (go) to bed late the night before. complete the sentences with the correct form of used to and the verbs below. there is one verb that you do not need. be go do have play take 1 this café a cinema? it looks like one. 2 you skiing a lot when you lived in the mountains? 3 i dark hair. in fact, i was blonde when i was a baby. 4 ellen and brian tennis together, but then they started doing karate. 5 patrick yoga when he was younger, but he doesn't do any exercise now. complete the sentences with the correct prepositions. 1 i’m really jealous my little sister’s achievements. 2 why is she nervous the exam in june? i’m sure she’ll pass. 3 when i was younger, i was scared dogs. 4 i feel guilty not inviting you to the party. 5 bob is confused this exercise. he doesn’t understand it. 6 jake was quite disappointed his exam results last term. 7 she didn’t tell me the truth, and i still feel angry that. 8 what mistake are you most ashamed ? 9 harry is fed up his job and he wants to resig complete the sentences with the verbs below. there is one verb that you do not need. doubt ,memorise, realise, recall, recognise, remind, solve 1 how long does it take you to a crossword puzzle? 2 john didn’t me yesterday. i used to have blonde hair but now my hair’s black. 3 she said she was going to call me, but i it. she didn’t ask me for my number. 4 writing things down often helps you information more easily. 5 i was so sleepy this morning that i didn’t i was in the wrong classroom. 6 these photos will always me of our holiday together complete the sentences with the correct form of the adjectives in brackets. 1 the film we saw was . we were really scared. (frighten) 2 did they sell you this dvd for €30? i'm ! you should take it back! (shock) 3 what books do you find more ? crime thrillers or sci-fi novels? (excite) 4 parents are often about their children’s safety. (worry) 5 the directions we had given them were , so they got lost. (confuse) when i was young, i be really into motorbikes, and one summer, a biker friend me if i wanted to join him at a motorbike festival in wales. he said that we could camp at the festival and that he had plenty of room in his tent for me. my friend turned early at my house on saturday morning, and we got on our motorbikes for the fivehour ride to wales. my bike was going well at first. i the scenery as we rode along the road, when suddenly my bike broke down. after about an hour, i managed to fix it, so i felt quite proud myself! then we continued on our long journey to the festival. when we at the campsite near the festival, it was raining hard and really cold. so i was really when i found out that my friend the tent! i was that i would have to spend the night sleeping outside in the rain! , one of the other people at the campsite had brought an extra tent, so we borrowed that, in the end 1 a use b use to c used d used to 2 a asked b had asked c was asked d was asking 3 a up b into c out d down 4 a enjoyed b had enjoyed c enjoying d was enjoying 5 a about b at c of d with 6 a arrived b had arrived c arriving d were arriving 7 a ashamed b irritated c guilty d embarrassed 8 a forgot b had forgotten c was forgetting d was forgotten 9 a afraid b confused c relieved d satisfied 10 a eventually b finally c fortunately d suddenly

nastyaetoi nastyaetoi    1   12.08.2019 05:20    6

tel9057969295p0bj7i tel9057969295p0bj7i  04.10.2020 12:44
1.did he studed 2had passed. 3.was raining. 4.were you listening to. 5.had changed. 6.happened 7.sat. 8.was shining. 9.went. 10.went.
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