С! замените активный залог на пассивный: пример: they clean the rooms every day. the rooms are cleaned. 1. we always invite him to our place. 2. the students often see him in the club. 3. they teach us english at the university. 4. people speak english all over the world. 5. he publishes his books every year. 6. they explain new driving rules. 7. we admire the best sportsmen.

bhncgfhkjghuiou bhncgfhkjghuiou    3   20.06.2019 00:20    32

1. He is always invitde to our place.
2. He is often seen in the club by the students.
3. We are taught English at the University.
4. English is spoken all over the world.
5. His books are published every year.
6. New driving rules are explained.
7. The best sportsmen are admired.
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