с заданиями по английскому языку. 1. Task 6. Find in the text the words that may follow these verbs:

- to work

- to deal with

- to use

- to act

- to be involved in

- to apply

- to wear

- to detect

- to train

- to clear

- to collect

- to cooperate

2. Task 7. a) Match left and right to make word combinations and translate them:













b) Make sentences using these word combinations.

с заданиями по английскому языку. 1. Task 6. Find in the text the words that may follow these verbs:

ElenaBkv ElenaBkv    3   09.09.2021 10:04    331

cr8s cr8s  18.01.2024 11:39
1. Task 6. Find in the text the words that may follow these verbs:

- to work: job, project, task, assignment
To work on a job means to perform tasks and assignments related to it.

- to deal with: problem, issue, situation, conflict
To deal with a problem means to handle or manage it.

- to use: tool, equipment, device, instrument
To use a tool means to employ or operate it for a specific purpose.

- to act: role, scene, character, play
To act in a role means to perform or portray a specific character in a play or scene.

- to be involved in: activity, event, organization, project
To be involved in an activity means to participate or take part in it.

- to apply: knowledge, skill, technique, method
To apply knowledge means to utilize or use it in a practical manner.

- to wear: clothes, uniform, hat, badge
To wear clothes means to have them on one's body as clothing.

- to detect: problem, error, fault, anomaly
To detect a problem means to discover or identify it.

- to train: skill, technique, behavior, ability
To train a skill means to develop or improve it through practice and instruction.

- to clear: obstacle, blockage, confusion, misunderstanding
To clear an obstacle means to remove or get rid of it.

- to collect: information, data, evidence, samples
To collect information means to gather or assemble it.

- to cooperate: team, group, partner, colleague
To cooperate with a team means to work together towards a common goal.

2. Task 7.
a) Match left and right to make word combinations and translate them:
- metal detector - металлодетектор
- team work - командная работа
- law enforcement - соблюдение закона
- border guard - пограничная охрана
- work areas - рабочие зоны
- check point - контрольный пункт

b) Make sentences using these word combinations:
- The security guard used a metal detector to check for weapons.
- The team work together to complete the project on time.
- Law enforcement agencies ensure the safety of the community.
- Border guards protect the country's borders from illegal activities.
- The workers were assigned to different work areas based on their skills.
- All vehicles entering the country must pass through the check point.
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