с заданиями. 1. Open the brackets, using the correct form of the verbs (e.g. have come, has not seen)
Nelly … … (to see) this play five times. It’s her favorite.
2. Open the brackets, using the correct form of the verbs (e.g. have come, has not seen)
… you … (ever, to be) to Disneyland in Paris? Let’s take our kids and go together?
3. Open the brackets, using the correct form of the verbs (e.g. have come, has not seen)
They… … (to arrive), but our colleagues … … (already, to leave).
4. Correct the mistakes. Pay attention to Present Perfect of the verbs, position of adverbs and structure of the sentences.
Mary have not play tennis since she have broke her leg.

slava4В slava4В    3   23.12.2020 14:51    27

Dataset147 Dataset147  23.12.2020 15:00

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с заданиями. 1. Open the brackets, using the correct form of the verbs (e.g. have come, has not seen
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