с заданиями!
1).Дополните текст недостающими словами!
take talk turn spoken say enjoy

Every day of the week, you can 1 free entertainment at Speakers’
Corner, next to Marble Arch in Hyde Park. You can even 2 part!
Speakers’ Corner has existed since the mid1800s, and many different people go there
to 3 . to the public about
political or religious subjects. Those who
have 4 include famous
names like Karl Marx and Winston Churchill.
But anyone can 5 up and
6 . what they think, so long
as they stay within the laws of free speech.

2) You can never get bored of London. Testen Sie Ihr London-Wissen!
1. An exciting annual tennis event in South West London that the British rarely win.
2. Where does the Queen keep the Crown Jewels?
T h e o f
3. What do Brits usually call the London Underground?
4. This huge museum of history and culture houses more than seven million items.
B m
5. What is another name for the central business district known as “the City”?
6. Which writer said: “When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life”?

3)Spot the mistake. Unterstreichen Sie die sechs Grammatikfehler im folgenden
Textabschnitt und korrigieren Sie sie!
Not only is London the capital of the United Kingdom, it is also the largest
metropolis in the European Union, with around 8.5 million inhabitants and
45 universities. It is also one of the multiculturalest cities in the world: more
than a third of Londoners are born in another country and less than half is white
British. If you walk through the streets of London, you are hearing more than
300 different languages, and it gives thousands of restaurants where you can
try food from every country on the world.
1 . 2
3 4
5 6

Radmirka1337 Radmirka1337    1   29.04.2020 01:54    5

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