с заданием . Нужно найти глагол-сказуемое в каждом из предложений, определить его видо-временную форму и залог.
А. 1. In centrally planned economies government planners decide what goods will be produced.
2. Many nations of Eastern Europe are undergoing transition from communism to capitalism.
3. Before 1988 Hungary had taxed successful companies in order to provide subsidies for inefficient economie companies.
4. Some nations of Eastern Europe took steps to join the ranks of Western developed nations in becoming mixed economies.
В. 1. Such economies are called traditional economies.
2. Some countries exhibit elements of traditional economies in their tendency to make economic decisions according to how things have been done in the past.
3. Profitable companies are allowed to keep a large share of their profit.
4. In centrally planned economies government planners set the prices at which goods are sold.
5. The work people do is called economic activity.
6. Once the simple tools of labour were made, the need arose among the primitive men to communicate with one another.
7.I have just been told I shall get better wages next month.