с заданием 2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of these verbs. You can use some verbs more than once.
take make earn go teach learn miss go spend
1 I used to love skiing, but after last year’s accident I off it.
2 I enjoy my time reading books.
3 On my trip to Greece, I lots of new friends.
4 I love riding, so I could on all day.
5 I’ve decided to how to speak French, so I’ve signed up for some summer lessons.
6 My mum will me how to cook my favourite dessert.
7 Don’t expect to a good wage in your first job.
8 Adam is very anxious about an exam in Maths tomorrow.
9 My alarm clock didn’t ring, so I my English class.
10 When you’re sitting an important exam, your time to read the questions carefully