С! выберите правильные притяжательные местоимения: 1. that`s not … ( your / yours ) bag. … ( your / yours ) is red. 2. this is … ( my / mine ) house, not ( her / hers ). напишите предложения во множественном числе: 1. is this my book? – … ? 2. this is his pencil and that is hers. – … . употребите притяжательный падеж существительных: 1. the new price of the goods – … 2. the name of his wife – … вставьте слова в скобках, используя или притяжательный падеж -`s или of: 1. … is near the market. ( the house / my parents ) 2. what is … ? ( the name / this man ) 3. … is very light. ( the room / the sister )

raku13 raku13    1   29.06.2019 01:40    1

zhiglinskaya861 zhiglinskaya861  02.10.2020 14:47
1. That`s not your bag. Yours is red.  2. This is my house, not hers.
1. Are these my books?  2. These are his pencils and those are hers.    
1. The goods` new prices   2.  His wife`s name     
1. My parents` house is near the market. 2. What is this man`s name?  3. the sister`s room is very light.
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