С! ! вставьте частицу "to", где необходимо. 1- i think i can't help you. 2- we had better say it at once. 3- may i come in? 4- he likes watch television. 5- june couldn't open the door. 6- tom works because he needs eat. 7- he isn't going answer my question. 8- you would rather not tell them the truth. 9- i heard him sing. 10- i'm planning visit rome. 11- the children were not allowed eat an ice-cream. 12- she said she would sonner stay in the city. не будьте

mrmersbrady mrmersbrady    3   01.09.2019 11:30    14

lizazarandiua lizazarandiua  06.10.2020 09:40
I think I can't help you.
We had better say it at once
May I come in?
He likes to watch television. 
June couldn't open the door.
Tom isn't going to answer my question.
You would rather not to tell them the truth.
I heard him sing 
I'm planning to visit Rome. 
The children were not allowed to eat and ice-cream.
She said she would sooner to stay in the city 

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