с проектом по английскому. Нужно написать о популярных в России профессиях(вкратце). Должно получиться небольшое сочинение. Заранее

kogoch kogoch    3   20.02.2020 00:25    3

katenabelozerova katenabelozerova  11.10.2020 09:54


There are so many different professions. Such as: designer, doctor, photographer, cook, postman and others. For example, in Russia, the most popular profession is a programmer - these are people who create new programs and sites on the computer. Also a popular profession is a lawyer - a person who defends the rights of another person in a judge. I think that in the 21st century, one of the most sought-after professions is doctors, because many people have health problems due to poor ecology

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