с правильным подставлением выражений Hi, Darren! Thanks for your e-mail. I (1) study / am studying for my exams really hard at the moment, so I (2) am not having / don't have much free time to chat on the Internet. What (3) are you doing / do you do right now? (4) Don't you study too / Aren't you studying too? I (5) am imagining / imagine you're also busy with your exams. Oh, I (6) hate / am hating them! What about you? Fortunately, we're near the end! Let's think positive! Well, Darren, (7) do you want / are you wanting to come camping with us again this summer? I (8) am knowing / know you're not crazy about camping, but please say yes. I desperately (9) need / am needing some company! Bye for now! John

с правильным подставлением выражений Hi, Darren! Thanks for your e-mail. I (1) study / am studying f

Itupoypomogite1 Itupoypomogite1    2   18.04.2021 14:37    17

влщчцдыо влщчцдыо  18.04.2021 14:40

Hi, Darren!

Thanks for your e-mail. I am studying for my exams really hard at the moment, so I don't have much free time to chat on the Internet. What are you doing right now? Aren't you studying too? I imagine you're also busy with your exams. Oh, I  hate  What about you? Fortunately, we're near the end! Let's think positive! Well, Darren, do you want  to come camping with us again this summer? I know you're not crazy about camping, but please say yes. I desperately  need some company!

Bye for now!


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