с переводом
Market research is the process of systematically gathering, recording and analyzing data concerning a particular marketing problem.
Thus, market research is used in specific situations to obtain information that is
not otherwise available to decision makers.
There are 6 steps in doing marketing researches:
1) to define problem
2) to make preliminary investigations
3) to plan research
4) to gather factual information
5) to interpret information
6) to reach conclusion
Survey is a major form of research in the most developed countries. A survey is
the collection of data through use of a questionnaire. The researcher can conduct a
survey by mail, by telephone, or in person.
To reach a large number of widely dispersed people, a mail survey can be
effective and time-consuming.
The researcher can use telephone survey to get an immediate response. This is
efficient way to contact a large group of people. Also, people are more apt to participate
in a telephone survey because it seems easier than filling out forms.
To discuss issues in-depth researches usually use personal surveys because these
enable the interviewer to probe for further information. This type of survey is suitable for
complex and emotional issues. It also allows the interviewer to present visual information
such as a sample product or an advertisement. However personal interviews tend to be
the most expensive.
Popular forms of personal surveys are mall intercepts, focus group interviewers
and in-home services. A mall intercept is a personal survey in which the interviewer
stands in a shopping center, stops consumers and asks them to participate. This is
presumably an effective way to find potential purchasers.
A focus group interview is a personal interview of a small group of people in
which the interviewer poses one-ended questions and encourages group interaction. In a
typical focus group interview 6-12 people participate for 1 or 2 hours. The interview is
usually typed so that it can be studied later. Focus groups are useful for identifying issues
to explore in follow-up studies. Researchers must be careful not to treat the opinions of
one or a few focus groups as being representative of the entire target market. The success
of the focus group depends on the ability of the interviewer to encourage the discussion
and the ability of the researchers to interpret results.
In-home interviews are surveys in which the interviewer visits subjects at their
homes. This kind of interviews gives researches a chance to learn a lot about consumers.
In-time interviews are the least used type of survey.