С: переведи на . помни, что действие происходит в настоящий момент. 1. мой папа работает на компьюторе 2. твой дедушка читает газету? 3. твоя сестра рисует 4. фил и его друзья играют в парке в футбол 5. твои мама с папой смотрят телевизор? 6. я разговариваю по телефону 7. ты ешь яблоко 8. мы игрем в тенис

chuvak1414 chuvak1414    3   21.09.2019 21:20    5

linka737 linka737  08.10.2020 08:09
1.My father is working on the computer
2.Is your grandfather reading newspaper?
3.Your sister is drawing.
4.Phill and his friends are playing football in the park.
5.Are you father and mother watching TV?
6. I am talking on the phone
7.You are eating an apple
8. We are playing tennis
ayshatalieva01 ayshatalieva01  08.10.2020 08:09
1. My father is working on computer.
2. Is your granddad reading a newspaper?
3. Your sister is drawing.
4. Phil and his friends are playing football in the park.
5. Are your mother and father watching TV?
6. I am talking on the phone.
7. You are eating an apple.
8. We are playing tennis.
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