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Skeleton of the ox The skull is remarkable from the fact that in the horned breeds the frontal bone 5

caries variously shaped horn cores, and also because upper incisor teeth are absent from the incisive bone. The vertebral column differs from that of the horse in that 1) the bones of the neck are shorter and smaller; 2) the thoracic vertebrae are larger but fewer, there being only 12; 3) the number is the same, i.e.6; 4) the sacrum possesses the same of bones, but they are longer and more completely fused; and 5) the coc-cygeal vertebrae are longer and better developed and number from 16 to 21. The ribs are 13 in number; each is broader, longer, less curved, and less regular than in horse. The first 8 are sterna and the last 5 nonsternal. The sternum is longer in the horse. The fore-limb presents a number of small and comparatively unimportant differences in the scapular and humeral regions. In this part the shaft of the ulna is much more developed. It is still, however, almost completely fused to the shaft of the radius except for two small areas where fusion does not occur. The carpus consists of 6 bones, 4 in the upper row and 2 in the lower. The metacarpal region differs in that there are two large metacarpals completely fused together except at their lower ends, and a small metacarpal lying on the outside of the limb and only about 1,5 inches in length. The lower extremity of the fused metacarpal is split into two parts, each of which meets the phalanx corresponding to it at the fetlock joint. There are 4 digits present in the ox, but only the two central ones are at all well developed, the outer ones being very rudimentary and not attached to the rest of the skeleton. Each of the large digits has 3 phalanges which form the skeleton of the “toes” of the ox. The third or lowermost in each case, closely corresponds in shape to the outline of the claw. The pelvis as a whole is large and rough. The inlet is more elliptical, its dimensions being about 9,5 inches by 7 inches in average-sized cow. The femur has a small shaft and a small head, and it does not possess so many muscular irregularities. The tibia and fibula are somewhat like the same bones in the horse. The shaft of the fibula is not developed in bone, but it can usually be distinguished as a fibrous or cartilaginous cord running between the two extremities, which are laid down in bone. The bones of the tarsus or hock number 5, fusion having taken place between two pairs. Below the hock the hind-limb is similar to the fore-limb.

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1. Yesterday ( to be) my day off. 2. I (to go) to the cinema tomorrow.

Dima0044 Dima0044    3   01.06.2020 16:51    6

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