с кантрохой Doctor Fleming discovered penicillin while he … (study) influenza.
2. Sam … (stand) under the tree because it … (rain).
3. When the teacher came into the classroom, the children … (run).
4. When I arrived at the party, all the guests … (dance).
5. The waiter cut his finger while he … (pick up) the broken glasses.
2. Напиши множественное число существительных.
1. watch –
2. child –
3. leaf –
4. mouse –
5. photo –
3. Впиши определенный артикль там, где это необходимо.
1. ___Siberia 4. ___Lake Baikal
2. ___Ural Mountains 5. ___Pacific Ocean
3. ___Far East 6. ___Irkut River