С. i. подчеркните в предложениях сказуемое и определите его видо-временную форму. переведите предложения на язык. обратите внимание на особенности перевода пассивных конструкций. a) 1. many of the innovative features have already been tried and tested in earlier models. 2. while large business has been cutting back employment, small business has been creating new jobs. b) 1. many of these substances are not affected by atmospheric oxygen. 2. programs of forestry education are offered by secondary schools and by the swedish university of agricultural sciences. ii.подчеркните participle i и participle ii и установите их функции, то есть укажите, являются ли они определением, обстоятельством или частью сказуемого. переведите предложения на язык. 1. the pulp industry imports part of the wood required and also recycles paper. 2. while marking the trees are also checked for the quality of the stems. 3. if required, medical and safety equipment must be provided for employees. 4. the person planning a new firm should have very definite ideas about profits, financing and so on. 3. выпишите из абзаца 5 слов с различными суффиксами (префиксами). переведите их исходное и производное слово,выделите суффикс (префикс). syktyvkar is also a significant scientific centre. here the komi scientific centre of the urals department of the russian academy of sciences is situated. the research institutions of our city make a great contribution into science and economy. the syktyvkar university, the teachers’ training institute and the forest institute enroll thousands of students and provide our republic with young professionals for different spheres of human activities. there are many secondary and vocational schools here too.

Karina902 Karina902    2   05.04.2019 10:41    2

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