С: i. переведите предложения, обращая внимание на перевод объектного и субъектного инфинитивного оборота. 1. the discovery of ohm’s law proved to be of special value for electrical engineering. 2. may i rely on you to help us? 3. they noticed him press the button of the computer. 4. we know j.j. thomson to have discovered the electron. 5. nowadays semiconductors are believed to be increasingly used in tvsets, radio sets and computers. ii. переведите предложения, обращая внимание на перевод зависимого и независимого причастного оборота. 1. the results being really important in the business world, it is necessary to establish realistic goals. 2. the professor delivering the lecture is a famous scientist. 3. the dictionaries having been brought from the library, the student began to translate the article. 4. she got her photo taken. 5. we heard the dam blown down.