с) forests

20. What kind of state is Great Britain?

a. a republic b) a parliamentary monarchy c) an absolute monarchy


Choose the correct answer.

1. When people travel to the USA they want to see:

a) Big Ben c) Baker Street

b) The Statue of Liberty d) The Eiffel Tower

2. The biggest river is:

a) The Mississippi c) the Colorado

b) The Hudson river d) the Thames

3. These famous people lived in the US:

a) Christopher Columbus c) William Shakespeare

b) Mark Twain d) Walt Disney

4. How many stars are there on the US flag?

a) 47 b) 50 c) 51 d) 49

5. The declaration of Independence was signed in:

a) 1831 b) 1799 c)1776 d) 1620

6. Washington, the capital, is situated in the:

a) State of New York c) state of Washington

b) District of Columbia

7. New York is situated on which river?

a) The Mississippi c) the Colorado

b) The Hudson river d) the Thames

8. How many members does the Senate have?

a) 100 b) 150 c) 435 d)50

9. This interesting place is in Washington:

a) The Metropolitan Museum b) the Library of the Congress

c) the Bronx Zoo

10. These cities are situated in the USA:

a) Florida b) Boston c) Liverpool d) Dublin

11) The first President of the USA was:

a) Lincoln b) Washington c) Jefferson

12) Where is the White House situated?

a) Washington b) Florida c) Los Angeles d) Boston

13) The heart of New York is

a) Rockfeller centre c) Times Square

b) Wall Street d) Manhattan

14) What is the first capital of the USA?

a) Washington c) Canada

b) Philadelphia d) Liverpool

15) Who was designer of the statue of Liberty?

a) Frederic-Auguste Bartholdi b)Joseph Paxton

c) Antonio Gaudi y Cornet

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