с дз. Reported Speech


a)"My mom is going to buy me a new computer" Sonia said

b)"Your sister will win the first prize in the competition". Martin

told me

c) "Johnny has just come back from USA" Alice said

d) "I don't like science fiction books" Simon said …

e)"Can you lend me some money?" George asked his brother

f) "Don't forget to buy some cheese" My mom told me …

g) Julia is flying to New York now" Barbara said

h) "My neighbours are redecorating their house" Daniel said …

i)"This is the best restaurant that I've ever eaten" My girlfriend said

j)"Margaret's dad has bought a new car" Leonard said …

k)"This book wasn't too expensive" Hector said

I) "We have spent a few days by the seaside" Samantha said

m) "She never reads the newspaper" Thomas said …

n) "These girls arrived late for work yesterday" The boss said

o) All the tourists visited the Cathedral and the Museum" The man said

p) "William took many photographs last weekend" I said …

q) "Today it's Charles' birthday" The teacher said


r) "My boyfriend gave me a beautiful present for my birthday" Jenny said

s) "Yolanda hates eating spinach" My mom said

insaf1282 insaf1282    3   18.02.2021 13:56    396

nataliastatinap0147d nataliastatinap0147d  22.01.2024 15:25
a) Sonia said that her mom was going to buy her a new computer.

Explanation: In reported speech, we need to change the pronouns and verb tense to make it reflect what was said in the past. Here, "My mom" becomes "her mom" because we are reporting what Sonia said. The present continuous tense "is going" becomes "was going" to indicate that the action was happening in the past.

b) Martin told me that my sister would win the first prize in the competition.

Explanation: Similar to the previous sentence, we change the pronouns and verb tense. "Your sister" becomes "my sister" because we are reporting what Martin said to the speaker. "Will win" becomes "would win" to indicate the past.

c) Alice said that Johnny had just come back from the USA.

Explanation: In reported speech, the past simple tense "has just come back" becomes "had just come back." This is because the action happened in the past.

d) Simon said that he didn't like science fiction books.

Explanation: In reported speech, we keep the verb tense the same if it is a general statement or a fact, so "don't like" remains "didn't like." However, we change the pronoun "I" to "he" to reflect what Simon said.

e) George asked his brother if he could lend him some money.

Explanation: In reported speech, we change the question form to a reported question. "Can you lend me some money?" becomes "if he could lend him some money." We also change the pronouns.

f) My mom told me not to forget to buy some cheese.

Explanation: In reported speech, we change the imperative sentence to an indirect command. "Don't forget to buy some cheese" becomes "not to forget to buy some cheese."

g) Barbara said that Julia was flying to New York now.

Explanation: The present continuous tense "is flying" becomes "was flying" in reported speech to indicate the action happening in the past.

h) Daniel said that his neighbors were redecorating their house.

Explanation: The possessive pronoun "my neighbors" changes to "his neighbors" to reflect what Daniel said. The present continuous tense "are redecorating" becomes "were redecorating" in reported speech.

i) My girlfriend said that this was the best restaurant that she had ever eaten.

Explanation: In reported speech, the demonstrative pronoun "this" changes to "that" to reflect what the girlfriend said. The present perfect tense "that I've ever eaten" becomes "that she had ever eaten" in the past.

j) Leonard said that Margaret's dad had bought a new car.

Explanation: The possessive pronoun "Margaret's dad" remains the same in reported speech. The past simple tense "has bought" becomes "had bought" to indicate the action happening in the past.

k) Hector said that this book hadn't been too expensive.

Explanation: The demonstrative pronoun "this" changes to "that" in reported speech. The negative form "wasn't" becomes "hadn't been" in the past.

l) Samantha said that they had spent a few days by the seaside.

Explanation: The pronoun "we" changes to "they" in reported speech. The present perfect tense "have spent" becomes "had spent" to indicate the action happening in the past.

m) Thomas said that she never read the newspaper.

Explanation: The pronoun "I" changes to "she" in reported speech. The present simple tense "never reads" remains the same.

n) The boss said that those girls had arrived late for work yesterday.

Explanation: The demonstrative pronoun "these" changes to "those" in reported speech. The past simple tense "arrived" becomes "had arrived" to indicate the action happening in the past.

o) The man said that all the tourists had visited the Cathedral and the Museum.

Explanation: The pronoun "the man" remains the same in reported speech. The past simple tense "visited" becomes "had visited" to indicate the action happening in the past.

p) I said that William had taken many photographs last weekend.

Explanation: The pronoun "I" changes to "he" in reported speech. The past simple tense "took" becomes "had taken" to indicate the action happening in the past.

q) The teacher said that it was Charles' birthday that day.

Explanation: The pronoun "the teacher" remains the same in reported speech. The present tense "is" becomes "was" to indicate the action happening in the past.

r) Jenny said that her boyfriend had given her a beautiful present for her birthday.

Explanation: The possessive pronoun "my boyfriend" changes to "her boyfriend" in reported speech. The past simple tense "gave" becomes "had given" to indicate the action happening in the past.

s) My mom said that Yolanda hated eating spinach.

Explanation: The possessive pronoun "Yolanda's" changes to "her" in reported speech. The present simple tense "hates" remains the same.
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