С. carol's apple cake use the right form of the adjective: carol baked on apple cake yesterday, but she couldn't follow all the instructions in her cookbook because she didn't have enough of the ingredients. she used (little) flour (мука) and (few) eggs than the recipe required. she also used (little) butter, (few) apples, (few) raisins (изюм) and (little) sugar than she needed. as a result carol's apple cake didn't taste very good. in fact it tasted terrible.

евол евол    1   15.03.2019 08:00    3

hudia4 hudia4  07.06.2020 01:47

 Carol baked on apple cake yesterday, but she couldn't follow all the instructions in her cookbook because she didn't have enough of the ingredients. She used a little flour and a few eggs than the recipe required (то есть этого было немного, но достаточно, в соответствии с рецептом). She also used little butter, few apples, few raisins and little sugar than she needed (то есть она положила мало(недостаточно), меньше, чем нужно по рецепту, поэтому артикль а не ставится). As a result Carol's apple cake didn't taste very good. In fact it tasted terrible.

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