С! буду вам. one of mark twain’s hobbies was fishing. he went fishing whenever he had a chance, even in the closed season, when fishing was not allowed anywhere in lakes and rivers. like all fishermen, he sometimes invented stories about the number of fish he caught.one hot day during the closed season mark twain was fishing as usual under a low bridge. a man who was walking across the bridge happened to notice mark twain and began to watch him. at he asked him: “have you caught many fish? ”“not yet”, mark twain answered. “i have only just begun. but yesterday i caught thirty big fish here”.“you were very lucky”, the man said. “do you know who i am? ”“no”, mark twain said. “i don’t think i ever happened to meet you before”.“i’m the fishing inspector in this place. do you know that this is the closed season? ”mark twain thought quickly. he understood how foolish he had been. “do you know who i am? ” he asked aloud.“no, of course not”, answered the inspector. “i am the biggest liar on the mississippi”, mark twain told him 1выпишите предложение содержащее глагол to be и to have формулу глаголов подчеркните укажите время 2выпиште из текста сущ во множественном языке 3выпишите из текста предложения содержащие оборот there is there are. если нет то ничего не пишите 4выпишите из текста предложение содержащие модальный глагол или их синонимы 5выпишите 10 глаг укажите время 6выпишите из текста предложения притяжательные падежы сущ 7выпишите из текста глаголы безличные предложения 8выпишите из текста примеры на употребление повелительного наклонение если они есть

alenalapshna2 alenalapshna2    2   09.06.2019 04:10    1

09Катя99 09Катя99  08.07.2020 01:24
1.He went... he had... - past simple
you were very lucky - past simple
3. нет
4. нет
5. caught - past simple
have just began - past perfect
told - past simple
was fishing - past continious
was walking - past continious
answered - past simple
thought - past simple
began - past simple
had been - past perfect
understood - past simple
6. Like all fishmen... number of fish...
7.не знаю... вроде тут таких нет
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