С. буду grammar and vocabulary 1. заполните пропуски глаголом be в форме present simple. 1) we …. full-time students. 2) ned blackmore … a part-time student. 3) peter and i … the only boys in our class. 4) i … a first year student. 2. поставьте глаголы в скобках в форму present simple. 1) as a rule, i (get up) early. 2) he (attend) classes every day. 3) she (have) a lesson of history on monday. 4) eric and jim (study) english. 3. ниже даны предложения в present simple. прочитайте и напишите их а) в past simple b) в future simple 1) he teaches us english. 2) the lesson is over. 3) i get scholarship. 4) we study by correspondence. 4. выберите правильную форму глагола (simple или continuous) 1) i studied/was studying physics at the university. 2) i’m taking a course/take a course in philosophy now. 3) i hope, they will go/will be going to the library on friday. 4) she entered/ was entering academy last year. 5. поставьте глаголы в скобках в форму present perfect (have/has +v ed/en). 1. we just (plan) our work with my tutor. 2. i already (write) my essay. 3. the harvard university (educate) a lot of famous people. 4. she (read) the book. 6. перепишите предложения, заменив форму continuous на форму perfect. обратите внимание на изменение смысла предложения. 1) joan’s writing an essay. 2) her brother’s graduating from academy this year. 3) her little sister is reading a lot 7. не меняя временной формы, измените форму continuous на форму perfect continuous, добавив обстоятельство времени. пример: she’s dancing (for an hour). she has been dancing for an hour. 1) they are working in the laboratory (the whole day). 2) i’m waiting for you (since 10 o’clock). 3) they were arguing for (a long time). 8. выберите правильный вариант. 1) oxford and cambridge are … universities. a) english b) russian c) american 2) all students pay … for study. a) a grant b) a fee c) a credit 3) harvard university has educated many … a) musicians b) politicians c) sportsmen 9.выберите подходящий глагол learn, teach, study: 1) i don’t understand german myself. i at school, but forgot every word of it. a. studied b. learnt c. taught 2) jane has always liked medicine; now she be a doctor. a. is studying b. is learning c. is teaching 3) . peter was a good teacher; he heinz everything he knew himself. a. studied b. learnt c. taught 10. заполните пропуски предлогами (in, at, of, on, after, by): 1) my friend graduated … the institute … 1995. 2) his mother studied … moscow university. 3) the institute is headed … the director. 4) her brother studied … correspondence. 5) i like prof. pavlenko’s lectures … economics. 6) the economics department was founded … july 30, … 1950. 7) miss adams is a bachelor … management. 11. составьте предложение из следующих слов. 1) there/ in russia./ are/ and/ public/ institutions/ private 2) monthly/my/ is/ grant/ very/ not/ big./ 3) my/ studies/ cambridge./ sister/ at/ 4) a year./ students/ examinations/ at/ end of/ have/ the/ 5) am/ student/ of/ a/ economics./ i/

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