с английским жлательно очень быстро, скоро ехать сдавать. ответить на вопросы. 6 Text 5 Flour
Wheat flour is unique among cereal flours in that, when mixed with water in
the correct proportions, its protein component will form an elastic network which
is capable of holding gas and which will set to a rather firm spongy structure when
heated in the oven. It is this behaviour which makes possible the production of
bread as we know it.
In order to secure batter and doughs which will handle satisfactorily and
yield finished products of good eating quality the proper flour must be used.
Suitability of a flour for a particular purpose is governed primarily by the variety
of wheat from which it was milled, the protein content of the flour, and the milling
conditions. Wheats may be divided into soft and hard, with the latter group
subdivided into winter and spring wheats. Hard wheats are indispensable for the
production of flour intended for use in bakery foods of low density, such as
ordinary white bread. Flours made from hard wheats can yield doughs which are
elastic, have excellent gas-holding properties, and respond well to the usual bake-
shop processing techniques.
6.5 Answer the questions

1 Why wheat flour can be called unique among cereal flours?
2 In order to secure batter and dough the proper flour is used, isn’t?
3 Where is wheat cultivated?
4 What is the quality of wheat affected by?
5 Is climate the predominant or the secondary factor?
6 What colour may wheat be?
7 Are there many wheat characteristics? What are they?
8 What is the difference between winter and spring wheat?
9 How can you describe the use of hard wheat?

Генгстер Генгстер    2   30.04.2021 11:49    2

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