с английским Заполните пропуски данными глаголами в форме инфинитива действительного или страдательного залога в синтаксической функции подлежащего и именной части составного сказуемого.
to treat, to provide, to find, to forgive, to draw, to prepare, to promote,
to approve, to love, to hear, to dismiss
1. To err is human, is divine. 2. or unfairly for refusing to work on Sundays is a very disappointing experience. 3. for a mortgage means that the mortgage lender will give you the loan for home buy-ing. 4. It’s obligatory for the having house insurance. 5. The greatest thing one can ever learn is just and in return. 6. It will be great from you as soon as possible. 7. Our aim is a highly skilled and committed team of professionals for every project. 8. Our idea is at work by showing detailed information about our past successes. 9. The plan was everyone’s attention to the most important factor – providing an at-a-glance snapshot of priorities.
№2. Определите форму и функцию инфинитива в каждом предложении.
1. He seems to be saying something, but I can’t hear a word. 2. I felt that to show him the letter would only pain him uselessly. 3. I’m happy to have met you. 4. We were sorry to find out that the Museum was closed. 5. We did not expect him to return so soon. 6. He suddenly got worse and had to be operated on at once. 7. He was sorry to have missed so many lectures. 8. She must have gone there yesterday. 9. She was to have gone there yesterday. 10. You should have seen the doctor at once. 11. There were happy to be left alone. 12. He may be studying in the reading-room. 13. Could you give me a book to read? 14. He had to leave at once. 15. He was the first to come to the finish. 16. He can’t have said it. 17. He was the only one not to change his opinion. 18. You ought to be doing your homework. 19. He seems to know what he is talking about. 20. The letter was to be sent at once. 21. This problem should have been solved a long time ago. 22. This is a chance not to be missed.
№3. Переведите предложения на английский язык, употребляя оборот Complex Subject.
1. Ожидают, что договор будет подписан на этой неделе. 2. Известно, что он придерживается другого мнения по этому во Считают, что он один из лучших летчиков нашей страны. 4. Он, по-видимому, удовлетворен результатом своей работы. 5. Он, кажется, знает этот предмет очень хорошо. 6. Я случайно встретил его в Москве. 7. Погода, вероятно, изменится. 8. Вряд ли он придет. 9. Он, наверное, согласится принять уча-стие в этой работе. 10. Очень вероятно, что этот во будет обсужден на собрании сегодня.