с английским языком
Прочитай, из текста выпиши 7 слов. укажи словообразования (суффикс, приставка словосложение). Выпиши причастия, инфинитивы или герундий (всего 5 слов)

Linux is a family of free and open-source software operating systems based on the Linux kernel. Linux was originally developed for personal computers based on the Intel x86 architecture, but has since been ported to more platforms than any other operating system. Linux is the leading operating system on servers and other big iron systems such as mainframe computers, and the only OS used on TOP500 supercomputers. It is used by around 2.3 percent of desktop computers.
Linux also runs on embedded systems, i.e. devices whose operating system is typically built into the firmware and is highly tailored to the system. This includes routers, automation controls, televisions, digital video recorders, video game consoles, and smartwatches. Linux has the largest installed base of all general-purpose operating systems.
Linux is one of the most prominent examples of free and open-source software collaboration. The source code may be used, modified and distributed – commercially or non-commercially – by anyone under the terms of its respective licenses, such as the GNU General Public License.

The words:
Kernel – ядро, суть, стержень
Embedded – встроенный
Mainframe - центральный процессор
Firmware – микропрограмма при адаптированный
Prominent – известный, выдающийся
Collaboration – сотрудничество
Source code – исходный код

DAYN777DEBIL DAYN777DEBIL    3   13.04.2020 09:07    1

Ника85527 Ника85527  27.04.2020 04:49

228 228 228 228 228 228


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