С АНГЛИЙСКИМ Read these words and write sentences in the correct order in the Future Continuous. Don’t forget about full stops.

1. I/ to travel/ around America/ for two weeks/ next month.

2. Jane/ to visit/ her grandparents/ all day/ next Saturday.

3. at six o’clock next Thursday/ Mike/ to interview/ a famous showman.

Dasha9716 Dasha9716    2   05.12.2020 07:45    9

esimahin esimahin  04.01.2021 08:03

1) l to travel for two weeks around America next month.


ща 2 скину

mamka18 mamka18  23.01.2024 16:41
Sure! Here are the sentences in the Future Continuous tense along with the step-by-step explanation:

1. I will be traveling around America for two weeks next month.
- The subject of the sentence is "I".
- The verb is "traveling".
- "Will be" is used to form the Future Continuous tense.
- The time expression "for two weeks" indicates the duration of the travel.
- "Next month" shows the time when the travel will happen.

2. Jane will be visiting her grandparents all day next Saturday.
- The subject of the sentence is "Jane".
- The verb is "visiting".
- "Will be" is used to form the Future Continuous tense.
- The time expression "all day" indicates the duration of the visit.
- "Next Saturday" shows the time when the visit will happen.

3. At six o'clock next Thursday, Mike will be interviewing a famous showman.
- The subject of the sentence is "Mike".
- The verb is "interviewing".
- "Will be" is used to form the Future Continuous tense.
- The time expression "at six o'clock next Thursday" shows the specific time when the interview will happen.
- "A famous showman" is the object of the interview.

Remember to use full stops at the end of each sentence to indicate the end of a sentence.
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