С АНГЛИЙСКИМ Раскрыть скобки, используя Условное третьего типа

1. If the Soviets (not / enter) the Space Race, the exploration of space (be) slower.

2. If Sputnik 1’s mission (not / be) successful, the space program (slow down).

3. If the Moon (not/be) the first celestial body to be explored, Neil Armstrong (walk) there.

4. If China (not / launched) its own space station, only the USA and Russia (remain) in that race.

5. Some people say that if the US government (not / spend) so much money on space, they (solve) other problems on Earth.

6. Other point out that if they (not / explore) space, they (not/ achieve) success in other areas.

2. Раскройте скобки по примеру №1:

1. I need to buy a new computer.

I wish computers weren’t so expensive.( computers / expensive)

2. I love London.

I wish (I/go) there more often.

3. The smell of stale cigarette smoke is very unpleasant.

If only (you/ stop) smoking.

4. It was a very beautiful house.

I wish (they / not have) it demolished.

5. She is very short.

She wishes (she / be) taller.

6. I don’t understand these exercises.

I wish ( they/be) easier.

7. We are always arguing.

I wish ( we / get along).

8. I didn’t go to the party. I wasn’t invited.

I wish (they / invite) me.

9. I don’t do much exercise.

I wish (I/ practise) a sport.

10. You never care about what I say.

I wish (you/listen) to me more.

11. She is English and I can’t understand her

12. If only (I/speak) English better.

3. Используя «I wish» напишите сожаления по примеру:

Ben argued with Sarah. She got upset and left. – Ben wishes he hadn’t argued with Sarah.

В первых пяти предложениях подчёркнута подсказка для составления предложений.

1) My garden has turned into mud because it is raining so much.

2) I parked my car in the wrong place and I got a fine.

3) My nephew had a wedding, I had to go but I didn’t want it.

4) Jim talks too much and looks stupid because of that.

5) The garden looks very dry. I hope it’ll rain.

6) I love snow but it doesn’t snow in Valencia often.

7) I have no time for my hobbies!

8) Samantha always looks good. I would like to be like her.

ArturJan2020 ArturJan2020    2   17.04.2020 11:48    53

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