с Английским ( )
Переведите на английский язык словосочетания используя слова в скобках
был продан (sell), были нарублены (chop), была сделана (make), были украдены (steal), был закрыт (close), была нарисована (draw), был сыгран (play), были сказаны (say), был приглашён (invite), был Задание 3.
Прочитайте статью о Билле Гейтсе.
True or false? Определите правдивость или ложность высказываний. Запишите свои ответы.
1) Bill Gates is one of the richest men in the world.
2) His full name is William Henry Gates III.
3) Heb is 65 years old.
4) He founded a computer software company Microsoft.
5) He was an Oxford student.
6) Bill Gates started Microsoft with his high school friend, Paul McCartney.
7) Bill and Paul developed software for game consoles.
8) They became very successful in nineteen eighty.
9) Bill Gates isn`t married.
10) Bill Gates wrote his own book.
Задание 4. Преобразуйте предложения из Настоящего времени (Present Simple) в Запишите.
Например: She works at school. – She worked at school. She is a teacher. – She was a teacher.
Daphne is a dolphin. She lives in the ocean. She is very smart. Daphne and her friends love to jump in and out of the water. She likes to click, chirp and whistle when she is happy. Daphne eats a lot of small fish every day.