с английским Нужно вставлять нужные слова. НЕОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНО ОТВЕЧАТЬ НА ВСЕ! ГЛАВНОЕ ОТВЕТЬТЕ НА ТЕ ВОПРОСЫ, КОТОРЫЕ ЗНАЕТЕ. Благодарю за ранее.

She usually pays……..cash.

He spends his money……..books.

Is this item…….sale?

Do you have…….. free time to help me?

She is …….. girl in the class.

My dad’s brother is my……..

Ann is married to Bob. She is his……. .

If you have a shower instead of a bath, you …….. water.

We …….. plant trees in the park this afternoon. Do you want to come?

Anna goes to bed early if she …….. the following day.

If you boil water, it …….. stream.

When the pollution mixes with rain it …….. acid rain.

If you donate money, you …….. a free T-shirt.

If I have time, I …….. to the clean-up day.

If global temperature doesn’t decrease, the ice caps ……..

If the company recycled their paper and card, they …….. the environment.

If you …….. fluorescent light bulbs, you would save energy.

Every day we are losing 137 species because people …….. forests.

Burning fossil fuels such as oil and coal causes….…. .

…….. damages lakes, rivers, trees, the soil and even buildings.

Read the newspaper online to save trees from being ……..

Polar ice caps are melting so low-lying lands will……..

Arctic animals will lose their… .

When the sea gets warmer, weather patterns

If we…….. lights when we do not need them, we will save energy.

If we walk or use public transport instead of car, we will reducebiodiversity

…….. are home to over half the world’s plants and animals.

Katy …….. herself when she fell over playing basketball.

After you wash the potatoes, you need to …….. them before you cook.

In order to lose weight, you should exercise and eat foods that are low in …….. .

The two friends …….. the first prize in a singing contest.

The Leicester Tigers are always at the top of the English rugby …….. .

You can …….. fluids that are missing from your body by drinking lots of water.

Sam got a …….. after playing on the computer for too long.

You …….. join our yoga class if you like.

Suzy has got a bad …….. in her ear. She needs to see a doctor.

HELPERSKINE HELPERSKINE    3   17.11.2020 19:13    2

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