с английским.
Необходимо изменить форму глагола в соответствии с тем, что стоит после предложения.

Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence using the word given.
1. It was a mistake for me to eat so much for lunch. (should)-Modals for speculation
2. They say the actor was discovered while working in a bakery. (said) –Personal or
impersonal passive construction
3. DVD prices have not changed since last year. (as...as)
4. Why don’t we go to the shop? Said Peter. (suggested) – Infinitive or the Gerund
5. I don’t feel like studying at the moment. ( would prefer)
6. People say that the actor has had plastic surgery. (said)- Personal or impersonal
passive construction
7. I regret not learning to cook when I was younger. (wish)
8. She went to the cinema and didn’t go to the theatre. (instead)
9. The dentist advised him to brush his teeth more regularly. (if I were)
10. Paul couldn’t go to the concert as he didn’t have a ticket. (able)
11. You might get seasick, so you should take a tablet before. (in case of)
12. I can’t find my socks-have you seen them? (seen) – indirect speech
13. Everyone expects that he’ll win the Oscar. (expected) - Personal or impersonal
passive construction
14. I haven’t seen my sister for 6 months. (it has been)
15. I’m sorry I broke the window, said Robert. (apologized)- Infinitive or the Gerund

Bjuv Bjuv    3   15.04.2020 22:47    3

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