Надо вставить слова, которые в таблице в места пропусков
1. Members of a liberal society must be … of alternative opinion, race and
gender differences, religion, political views.
2. Сreativity is the ability to produce something new through imaginative skill,
whether a new solution to a problem, a new method or device.
3. My first teacher was always … in sharing his knowledge and giving help.
4. I want to get a profound knowledge and professional skills in order … in
my future work.
5. Teachers are … for the effective learning process and creating beneficial
relations with their students.
6. … is a characteristic of a person who can cope with changes in
circumstances and think about problems and tasks in novel, creative ways.
7. Sometimes teachers may have repeatedly covered a curriculum until they
begin to feel bored with the subject which in turn bores the students as well.
8. An … person is showing the lack of knowledge, information, or education.
9. … the complex tasks of upbringing a teacher must possess professional skills and cultural background.

ROUSWOOD ROUSWOOD    3   23.04.2020 23:18    220

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