с английским
Измени обозначение времени и другие слова в косвенной речи, если необходимо
1. ‘Linda and Paul are going to get married in a year!’ — She said that Linda and Paul were going to get married
2. Поставьте глагол в нужную форму в косвенной речи
‘I am hungry.’ — Betty said that she
3. 3. Write the correct form of the modal verb (Поставь модальный глагол в нужную форму в косвенной речи).

1. ‘I can see you later.’ — He said he see me later.
2. ‘When shall I come?’ — She asked when she... come.
3. ‘Sally should send the letter as soon as possible.’ — He said that Sally
send the letter as soon as possible.

Uljainaabilkasim Uljainaabilkasim    2   10.04.2020 13:21    36

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